What is Git and Why you Should Learn Git?

Well, the IT industry is more focusing on Automation. IT companies are working on different tools to make the processes like

  1. Continuous integration of features
  2. Deployment of app code to the server.
  3. Model & Provision the infrastructure.
  4. Testing application and generate reports etc.

Automated. For the above processes, the IT industry is using different tools. Git is one of them. Basically, Git is the version-controlling system which provides the ability to track the changes of files. Version-controlling means different versions of application or files like version 1, version 1.1.  and so on.

So you can manage different data sets and if you need the previous version of the dataset, you can get it easily with the help of version-controlling system and you can share your data with anyone.

IT industry is using Git as Source code management system in the software development process where developer shares his code or collaborate with his team members and keeps the files up to date.

Now the questions are where does that data store? How developer keeps it up to date? And How he will share the code files with other team members?

There is the only one solution of the above questions: Github. GitHub is a web-based distributed version-control platform where users/developers/testers can collaborate on or adopt open source code projects, share ideas and much more. Github allows users to create a remote repository to keep updated files & provide simple URL to share codes with his team.

What things we can perform through Git?

  1. We can create local and remote repository through Git.
  2. We can create different branches under the remote repository and we can merge branches with other branches easily when needed. When we start working on something or changing something- no matter how big or small—we create a new branch.
  3. We can add the source code to the local repository & once we are done with the work, we deploy that code files to the remote repository.
  4. When we start the work, at that time we can pull code files from remote to local to ensure accuracy and consistency of modules.
  5. You can update files and deploy to the remote repository.
  6. You can access all versions of all files in the Git repository at any time, it’s almost impossible to lose any part of a code.
  7. Our teammates can work on one project at the same time without interfering with each other, and without fear of losing any changes made by a colleague. In Git, There is no limitation for Collaborative work.


Another question is how is it helpful in automation?

As we have discussed, the IT industry is using Git to manage versions of source code & make the apps accurate and consistent by keeping the updated codes on the repository. So at the time of deployment or automation testing, we pull the code from Github and perform the operations through different tools for different processes. In case of deployment, if we are using Jenkins, we create the job and provide the remote repository git, after that Jenkins will take care of everything.

So in the automation process, we just need to provide the Git repository and tools will take care of everything, they will fetch the code from Github and perform the operations.


If you are looking to integrate Git with Eclipse IDE, please enroll in our free course:

Git Integration with Eclipse: For Selenium tester

Source URL: http://www.itlearn360.com/what-is-git-and-why-you-should-learn-git/

What Is CI/CD? How Important Is To Integrate Automated Testing In CI/CD Environment?

Continuous Integration(CI) and Continuous Delivery(CD) is the collection of best practices that enables development teams to deliver the changes in code more frequently and efficiently.

Through the Continuous Integration, development teams integrate the small changes with share repository and check the version of the code frequently. The technical goal of Continuous Integration is to establish a way to build and test applications with consistency. With the consistency, development teams are more likely to integrate code changes with shared repositories frequently, which leads to better collaboration between teams and better software quality.


The major goal of Continuous Integration is to refine the integration process into a simple, repeatable development task that will reduce the overall build cost and reveal defects in the cycle easily. Success in CI will depend on changes in the culture of the development teams so that there are frequent and iterative builds, and eagerness to deal with bugs as they are found much earlier.

On the other hand, Continuous Delivery means that new features and fixes (done by development teams) pass through the develop-build-test cycle and automate the delivery of new changes to the selected infrastructure environment, which can be production environment or development environment or testing environment because development teams work in different environments. But when smaller changes are delivered to the production environment frequently, then it can increase the risk at large-scale and may result in the breaking down of systems.

Continuous delivery depends on a deployment pipeline by which the development team automates the testing and deployment processes. This pipeline is an automated system that executes a set of test suites against the build.


In each segment of the deployment pipeline, the build may fail a critical test and alert the team members or it continues on to the next test suite, and the successive test passes the result to the next segment of the pipeline. The last segment of the pipeline will deploy the right build to a production-equivalent environment.

Now the question is how important it is to integrate automated testing in CI/CD environment?

When smaller changes are delivered to the production environment frequently then some questions occur like how do you test your app efficiently, How can you be sure of the released software’s quality, How do you manage/plan test that fits within budget and resources?

If we think about automated tests, the question is ; how often and when should you run automated tests?

the answer is as often as possible and as quickly as possible. 

Both answers suggest doing Continuous Integration.

CI allows us to run automated tests after each commit and send feedback with results to developers that their code changes didn’t break any existing unit tests. Good automated tests should cover all functionality that are developed at the end of every sprint, or at least most of them. If we run automated tests only at the end of each cycle/iteration, probably there will be no time to fix issues.

What if a new feature has a bigger impact on the application? For that, we need to perform regression tests continuously throughout the iteration. These regression tests inform the team whether a code change failed one or more of the tests developed across all functional areas of the application.

Here is the list of the top 8 Continuous Integration tools:



Travis CI



GitLab CI



Blog Source URL: http://www.itlearn360.com/what-is-cicd-how-important-is-to-integrate-automated-testing-in-cicd-environment/